Product documentation

  • Where can I find specific product information?

    Through our website you can consult the following product-specific documentation:

    • Brochures: you can consult our Downloads
    • Technical drawings: you can find them at our products when you select a specific product
    • Load diagrams: you can also find this info on our products page, when you select a specific product

  • Are there instruction and assembly videos available?

    Are you or your installer unsure about how to install a cable tray, mesh tray or cable ladder? And would you like to learn how to build a shelter at lightning speed? Or do you have questions about the installation of our floorsystems? In our section Service & Support you will find the Trayco Academy with numerous e-learning videos explaining to you ready and clear how to install the product.

    In addition, you can also be convinced in a visual way of the many advantages of Trayco products. Be sure to check out our exciting product videos here !

  • Where can I go if I want to receive the Trayco catalogue?

    Our detailed catalogue containing all of our great products can be accessed in two different ways. Either you choose to download the catalog online. Please visit our Downloads. There you can view our range per chapter or product category.

    You can also request a printed catalogue. Our representatives will then contact you and make an appointment to give you the catalogue, get to know you and introduce you to our extensive product range. You can request a printed catalogue using this online form.